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Indian Independence day celebrations at Newport

Event Details

Indian Independence day celebrations at Newport

Time: August 15, 2014 from 5pm to 7pm
Location: Newport - Opposite HSBC Newport Branch
Street: 89 RIVER DR JERSEY CITY, NJ 07310.
City/Town: Jersey City
Event Type: kids
Organized By: NewportMommy, Rimli Roy and Surati Inc.
Latest Activity: Aug 12, 2014

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Event Description, Rimli Roy and Surati Inc. bring you Newport's Indian Independence day celebrations

 Get ready for a fun celebration of Indian Independence day by our own kids

Indian Dance and Song Performances by Newport Kids trained by Newport mommies' run classes:

- A.D.A . Bollywood Dance
- Calai's Dance & Yoga Studio

- Jersey Tarana
- Learn as You Play school

All kids are invited to participate. Moms can get groups of their kids and their friends ready to do 2-3 mins group shows. Please do let us know the names and ages of the kids and what they will be doing by Wednesday, Aug 13th.


If your kid is interested in dressing up as a freedom fighter and 'walk the ramp' please coordinate with Sandya Shinde,  NewportMom and owner of Learn As You Play (email directly: sandya.shinde at yahoo dot com)

Photography by Sneha Joshi

All the participants will get gifts from Astra Health Urgent Health Care and the local HSBC Branch and its staff that are recognizing the kids' efforts


Proud Supporters -

Astra Health Center: Urgent Care Clinic:

95 Hudson Street, Hoboken, N.J. /Call: 201-464-8888

HSBC Newport Branch and its Staff

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Comment by Ruchi Arora on August 8, 2014 at 7:46pm

Please let me know whom to contact for kids performance for Independence day event.

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