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Information Session "Part Time Logic Based Preschool Program"

Event Details

Information Session "Part Time Logic Based Preschool Program"

Time: December 4, 2016 at 10am to December 18, 2016 at 5pm
Location: 101 Hudson Street suite 2100 room # 2171, Jersey City, NJ 07302
Street: Hudson Street
City/Town: Jersey City
Website or Map:
Phone: (347) 989-3532
Event Type: open, house/demo, class
Organized By: Chandra Budi
Latest Activity: Nov 29, 2016

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Event Description

Part Time Logic Based Preschool Program is a part time academic based program for children ages 3 through 5 years old that emphasizes on thinking process to motivate, empower, and enjoy learning. The emphasis on thinking process is based on my belief in developing a "whole child", i.e. emotional and cognitive development part of a child, in his/her early learning experiences. To encourage a child "to think" rather than just to "receive" knowledge is to empower a healthy emotional development of a child and it will impact his/her cognitive development beautifully. The program runs for 150 minutes/twice weekly. 

Couple of important elements in my program:

1. The class size is kept very small ( 4-5 children). It is to keep the personal attention and individualized curricula available for each child.

2. The emphasis on constant interactions and hands-on approach from myself as an educator to build a communicative learning environment. ( constant interaction does not mean that I am 'hovering' on your child's learning space).

3. The open and genuine communication between myself and parents. Parents will receive details updates in what's happening in the classroom and in the "how to" following it up at home. 

4. The child is not just learning abstract academic concepts; the child is also learning the basic elements in thinking such as being responsible, developing focus on task, learning to understand other's perspectives, caring for himself/herself and others, and learning to understand priorities. All of those concepts are introduced in a fun, developmentally appropriate ways to achieve a meaningful result for your child. 

The Information Session is a one hour session whereby I dedicated a 30 minutes session for a sample lesson with your child and the other 30 minutes for Q&A with you as parents.

RSVP is A MUST as I limit 4 families at a time--this limit will ensure that your family has a full attention that you need during the information session, hence it would not be a 'wishy washy' kind of one hour. I would love for you to walk out of it understanding of what your child and your family will be receiving from the program. 

Dates: December 4, December 11, December 18 of 2016

Time: AM session -- 10:00-11:00 am

            PM session -- 04:00-05:00pm

For more information, please contact:

Dr. Chandra Budi

Unconventional and Resourceful Learning, LLC

E :

Ph : (347) 989-3532


Location: 101 Hudson Street suite 2100 #2171

                   ( MackCali building across Exchange Place PATH and Light Rail station).

I hope to see you there; if any of those dates are not good for you and you are truly interested in the program, please don't hesitate to contact me directly.

Have a wonderful Fall!

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