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JCSA 2014 Girls Soccer Summer Program

Event Details

JCSA 2014 Girls Soccer Summer Program

Time: July 13, 2014 from 5:15am to 6:30pm
Location: Caven Point Facility
Event Type: kids
Organized By: Jersey City Soccer Association (JCSA)
Latest Activity: Jul 11, 2014

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Event Description

Dear Parents,


This summer your child can improve her soccer skills and make new friends at the JCSA Girls Summer Sessions! We will play small-sided games while focusing on a different core skill each week, including dribbling, shooting, passing and field position. The Sessions are open to all girls ages 4 – 11 and will be held at the Caven Point Sports Complex on Sundays July 13th - August 4th  from 5:15pm – 6:30pm. JCSA players registered for the 2013-2014 season play free ($10 suggested donation) and new players (please spread the word) pay $10 to cover insurance-related fees.


Some housekeeping details. As always with all JCSA events, players should have shin guards, water and a parent / legal guardian near the field at all times. Please email me by Thursday 5pm if you plan to attend so I can make proper arrangements. Also feel free to contact me if you have any questions about sponsoring, volunteering or participating in this event.


Hope to see you there!

Niren 917 409 8214 (m)


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