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Kids Movie Night! (DROP-OFF)

Event Details

Kids Movie Night! (DROP-OFF)

Time: October 12, 2018 from 5pm to 8pm
Location: 165 Newark Ave, Jersey City, New Jersey 07302
City/Town: New Jersey City 07302
Phone: 732-660-8447
Event Type: kids, movie, night!
Organized By: This Learning
Latest Activity: Oct 11, 2018

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Event Description


Don’t miss out on these FIRST MOVIE NIGHTS – what a great way for your child to meet some new friends, get to know our staff, and have fun while you drop off your child and have your own time, too.

Bring your kids for this drop-off event that includes:

– Fun on-camera activities begin at 5:00 PM in our Downtown Studio
– Movie begins at 5:30 PM (we'll choose the movie based on ages & interests)
– Break for pizza & snacks around 6:30 PM (so you don't have to feed them! :)
– Finish the movie and end with some group activities by 8:00 PM


Before the movie starts, kids get the opportunity to have a blast acting goofy on camera, doing movie lines, being "on the mic," and generally having fun "on set" in our studio.

Movie / camp style chairs provided. Feel free to come in your PJs and bring your own pillow, mat, or sleep bag if you'd like to make yourself at home!

Please feel free to send your child with their own snacks and/or food if they have gluten-free or other dietary needs.

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