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Yoga for Kids at HHF

Event Details

Yoga for Kids at HHF

Time: May 24, 2019 from 4:30pm to 5:15pm
Location: Hamilton Health and Fitness, 161 Erie St, Jersey City, New Jersey 07302
Street: 161 Erie St
City/Town: Jersey City, New Jersey 07302
Event Type: kids, events
Organized By: Hamilton Health and Fitness
Latest Activity: May 4, 2019

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Event Description

Bend and Breathe Yoga (Ages 5 –8 y/o)

Every Friday 4:30-5:15pm

Yoga is a discipline that can lead kids on the path towards a calm and balanced mind, with strong and flexible body -- tools they can use in their everyday lives. This fun and dynamic class will include basic and challenging poses, partner and group poses, fun yoga games and mindfulness activities, breathing exercises and more. Parents and caregivers invited to observe though not required.

Meet the instructor:
Lindsey has a background in public health and a vested interest in health promotion, particularly among youth. She is a life-long athlete and yoga practitioner for 10 years. She is certified through Karma Kids Yoga (NYC).

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