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Posted on behalf of the teacher:

I am seeing tutoring done in a different way; I am seeing tutoring as a development of learning beyond yet not excluding what is given in schooling. Tutoring ought to provide the enjoyment of learning and the nurturing of both the cognitive and emotional development of a student. Tutoring ought to be the kind of place where a student develops confidence and excitement in learning that could actually enhance his/her performance in schooling. 


 As a founder and the educator of Unconventional and Resourceful Learning ( URL) Tutoring and Consulting, I believe that learning ought to be unconventional because every student is unique in his/her learning needs and method. Every learning ought to be resourceful for both the students and the parents; it is resourceful for the students because it introduces the learning through the step by step thinking process about a concept ( LOGIC) and it is resourceful for the parents because I provide the detailed updates plus guidance/resources that could be beneficial for the students.

I am offering an Academic Workshop, an intensive 5-week with a specific topic attached for each week. The workshop is intended for 2nd through 6th grader.

Workshop Logic To Reading:

Sundays beginning 10/11/15 through 11/8/15

11:30am through 1:00pm


Viewing reading as a dynamic activity, originated from thoughts, the goal is to equip students to see meanings beyond words. This ability will assist students to achieve better reading comprehension which will enable them to write better summaries, identifying main idea and supporting details, and inferring and connecting the reading to their daily lives.


Week One (10/11/15)--

Identifying Main Idea and Supporting Details part One

Week Two (10/18/15)--

Identifying Main Idea and Supporting Details part Two

Week Three (10/27/15)--

The Importance on Work Meaning and Usage through analogy, synonyms, antonyms, homonyms, exclusion, inclusion, etc

Week Four (11/1/15)--

Answering Open-Ended or Essay Questions part One

Week Five (11/8/15)--

Answering Open-Ended or Essay Questions part Two

Workshop Mathematics & Logic:

Saturdays, 10/10/15 through 11/7/15



Seeing the interconnections between the four major mathematical operations and their applications to the word problems. Understanding the connection between these mathematical operations will enable students to understand the logic or the thinking process behind the mathematical operations and move beyond the abstract of mathematical operations to their applications in real life through word problems. 


Week One (10/10/15)--

Connecting subtractions and additions part One 

Week Two (10/17/15)--

Connecting subtractions and additions part Two 

(word problems)

Week Three (10/24/15)--

Connecting multiplications and divisions part One

Week Four ( 10/31/15)--

Connecting multiplications and divisions part Two

(word problems)

Week Five (11/7/15)--

Connecting four major mathematical operations through word problems and the understanding of conversions.

Please do not hesitate to contact me for more information:

Chandra Budi, Ph.D

E :

Ph : (347)989-3532

Location: 101 Hudson Street suite 2100, room # 2171, NJ 07302

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