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Our nanny who's worked for us for 5 years is available for a full-time position starting Dec 4th. Gita is hard working, diligent, punctual, extremely neat and clean, with a great work ethic. In the five years that she's worked for us, she's never given us a single reason to complain or be disappointed. I've rarely met anyone who's SO CONSISTENTLY GOOD at what they do.

She's showered our 5 year old and 2 year with so much love and affection, making me feel so comfortable leaving my children in her care every single day. At the end of everyday my kids absolutely hate to see her leave, which is a testament to how close they are to her. She's always happy and smiling and brings such positive energy with her every morning. She's very pleasant to be around. She's like a grandmother to our kids and we'd have loved to keep her forever, but we're moving away to California in a few weeks.

For anyone looking for a full-time nanny (live out), let me tell you it'll be hard to find someone as good as her (she's an excellent cook too which is also a huge plus). Please feel free to contact me for a longer discussion/referral if you're interested - 8143084525 (leave me a voice mail if I'm unable to respond right away and I'll call back) and if you'd like to speak with her - 2019362769. She's practically family and we're trying to place her with a loving family soon. Do reach out to me or her if you're interested.

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