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Dear moms

These are a few items I would like to sell. All of them are in excellent or like new in condition. Sparingly used, since I happened to go to india right after buying these things and couldn't use them.

1. Madela fully automatic double breast pump $175 (negotiable)
Note: sparingly used. Had Bought brand new. Includes storage bottles, ice packs and tubings in perfect condition.

2. Comfort harmony portable swing. $40 (negotiable)

3. Fisher price play gym. $35
Note: king size. Used only twice or thrice.

4. Eddie Bauer car seat covers. $15

5. Graco snug and ride infant car seat with base $25
Note: pink and gray fabric.

6. Fisher price infant to toddler rocker. $25
Note: with free fisher price bouncer.

7. Halo sleep sack small. $10
Note: 100% cotton. Washed only once.

8. Baby Noggin nest pillow. $8
Note: best to shape up newborns head.

I'll send pictures to serious buyers or can come and take a look!
Thank you

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