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Help! I have been breast and bottle feeding my 6-week infant since day one. All of a sudden she is now refusing the bottle. Does anyone have any suggestions for getting her back on the bottle or any particular brands that I could try out? We have tries buby, nuk, and avent.

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just went through the same thing with my 7 week old who was hungry but crying incessantly when the bottle came near her mouth....if she isn't drinking anything, then feed her some pedialite to keep her hydrated. it might be colic. try to burp her as often as possible. little bodies have lots of gas. and little remedies for tummys gas drops helps alot. hope this works for you. I use MAM bottles which are great...lemme know how it goes.

Hi Madelyn how are you? We met a few nos back (ref mamaroo)!
Congratulations on your LO :

My son was ebf for 10 mos and inspite of trying all throughout, he just wouldn't take ANY bottle. It was very difficult to do anything or go anywhere without him...! I tried 10 diff brands of bottles and happened to find a Tommee Tippee at TJ MAXX and strangely enough, that was the one thar worked! At the time these bottles were hard to find but now are readily available at BRU, target and now I've heard from several moms that had this challenge that TT work...worth a shot!

GOOD LUCK Hope it all works out!


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