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Lovina Shahid

Cakes for a Cause !!!
It has been five years since I started Sugar Spoon Cakery!! I started this endeavor at a time where I was home with my babies and wanted to do something that interested me most and I had dreamed of doing someday !!
Now, God has blessed me with continuos support and admiration from my clients. I have always wanted to give back something from my talent towards helping less fortunate communities.
Going forward I will be donating profits of my earnings towards supporting Thalassemics in countries where government doesn't fund life saving drugs. While we complain about petty things in life, there are people who really do not know if they will make it to the next day. The NGO I am donating is called Thalassemians. It is run by a young 24 year old Jatin Kewlani who is Thalassemic and provides 35 other thalassemics with monthly supply of medicines @no cost.
I am extremely grateful to everyone from friends, family and my dearest clients who have supported and referred me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!!

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