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Just wondering if anyone has any review/feedback on the following daycare centers? I am looking to enroll my toddler and just wanted to hear from fellow parents who have kids going to these centers.


Learning Ladders

Early Learning Academy

Growing Tree II Jersey City




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My child attends Learning Ladders for over 1.5yrs now and am highly pleased. They have daily reports, many times a year parent conferences, family and free parenting events, weekly classes and monthly specials for children, in-class cams, super convenient location next to light rail and pediatrician, monthly newsletters, least number of school closings, attentive and super responsive staff. From management to staff to school itself all in all makes for a great experience. They have PreK3 to KG now as well so I donot need to worry about finding another school and go through crazy admission process since my child will get automatically promoted to PreK :) :)

If you get a spot there I would highly recommend taking it and be at complete peace of mind



Hey Becky, Thanks for your reply!! I'm actually a bit concerned about them feeding the child, as mine does not self feed yet. How did it go for you guys? I did like the place and the feedings the only thing troubling me.




Hi Shruti, I see teachers helping children with meals and motivating them to eat. This has never been a problem for us. 



Hi Shruti,

Do you have any feedback on growing tree daycare.

I am planning to enroll my 11month old son.

Let me know.




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