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Hi All,


My son’s nanny for last two years, Shobhna Aunty, is available to work full time/part time nanny or cooking help. My son has started a full day school, so the nanny is available.


All the praise would be less for her. When she started working, I was able to leave my 3 months old with her with 100% reliability. You can absolutely trust her to take good care of your child. She herself is a cleanliness freak, which was such a great thing for me. My son has been fussy eater right from the start. She would ensure that he eats his full meal. She is very good in following instructions. She can read books, knows basic English. She would follow the schedule, even maintained a daily log of his activities/schedule till he was a year old. Would take my son to park, drop him to school when he turned two, bring him back. Even in severe weathers last winters, she never raised concern even once to take him to school or bring him back. Very punctual.  Never late in last two years. Never ever any unplanned leave. There are times when I got late from work, and she had to stay late, or even times when she had to come really early, and she has always always adjusted!

My son has cried EVERYDAY when she would leave for home. Feel free to reach her at 551-689-3655 or 201-255-6114.


You can also call me for any further details needed at 201-284-2427



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