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Nanny available in the Jersey City/Newport area! My nanny is a live out and has been with me for about five months. I am now looking to hire a live in nanny and unfortunately have to let her go. She has taken care of my then 2 month old baby.

In terms of care for my baby, I rate her 10/10, she is fantastic. All my baby's foods are home-cooked plus she cooks for us (roti/subzi). She comes in over the weekends also to do babysitting, she lives in Journal Square area and is Gujarati. Please call her directly @201.993.2841. Her name is Jyothi Aunty.

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Jyoti Aunty worked for me for few weeks. She was very unprofessional -came in late (about 20 mins) everyday and despite being told, didn't care to change. Also made my baby sleep for over 4 hours everyday ( made the room dark) so she could also nap for the entire time.

I am so sorry it didn't work out for you Shilpa. I had a very good experience with her so would not hesitate to recommend her from my end. I was sad to let her go because of change in my circumstances.


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