NewportMommy has been serving Jersey City and its neighborhoods for the last 9 years

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A very happy Navratras to those who celebrate. This year instead of feeding kids from privileged families take a moment to think about the little kids who have no shelter, no home to call their own.

DONATE to the homeless shelter for moms and kids in Jersey City - Your kindness will go a long way.

Donate directly on their homepage or buy them something from their wishlist -

Amazon Wishlist


The cycle of poverty is relentless :

In order to support herself and her children, a woman needs a decent job.

In order to get a decent job, she needs a decent education.

In order to get a decent education, she needs a decent place to live and someone with whom to entrust the care of her children while she is at work or school.

The cycle grinds on, swallowing families, swallowing generations.

The only way to break this cycle is to take it all on.

At the York Street Project, we take on the highly-visible factors of Education, Housing and Childcare that block our women from creating self-fulfilled, self-sufficient lives. At the same time, we take on the less visible factors: healing the hidden damage that the cycle exacts. Working with our brave women, we help them take on unlearning the lessons of hopelessness and helplessness. Take on restoring destroyed self-esteem. Take on addressing the insidious developmental delays in their children.

The York Street Project is actually a one-stop network of four programs:

Kenmare High School: An accredited alternative high school that offers education as well as practical training in job- and life-skills for women aged 17+ who have dropped out of the public system.

St. Joseph’s Home: A safe and structured living environment for single mothers and their children that guides and supports them as they transition to new independent lives.

St. Mary’s Residence: Affordable housing & support for working women with limited income.

The Nurturing Place: A year-round licensed early childhood development center for children from 4 months to 6 years of age while their mothers are at work or school.

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