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Hi Everyone,

As my little one approaches two, I have a lot of baby gear at home that need to make way for toddler stuff! Everything is in very good condition, and I am looking to pass it on to someone who can make use of it and enjoy it.

Here are the items, and I can send actual pictures to anyone interested, just let me know what you are interested in. 

Mamaroo: Original price =270$, Asking for: 120$ OBO

Newborn rock and play sleeper: Original price = 55$, Asking for = 30$ OBO

Exersaucer Triple fun world explorer plus: Original price=120$, Asking for 75$ OBO

Pottery barn Kendall Crib,  toddler gate, mattress, mesh bumper, sheets and water proof covers

Original cost: 700+, Asking for 500$ OBO

My daughter has co-slept with us since she was 3 months old. Before that, she slept in her bassinet. So, the crib and mattress are practically new. 



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Hello can you please send me pictures of the mamaroo and crib? Thanks!!
Can you please email me at

Hi, I am attaching the photos of the crib here. We removed the toddler bed rail/guard in an attempt to side-car the crib with our mattress which was already on the floor. It can be attached back easily, without tools. We also have the original side rail which would be as tall as the other sides that you see in the picture. It is packed up, but I will try to get a picture for you. The mattress is on the crib and you can see the mesh bumpers. We have another segment of the bumpers that would go around the crib.

I have another fitting sheet in addition to the pottery barn sheet you see on the crib. I have two waterproof fitting sheets. These are included.

The crib was used for just a few weeks once my daughter transitioned out of the bassinet. So, everything is virtually new. Please do note that we shortened the length of the crib by 3 inches since my parents are below average height and had difficulty placing my daughter in the crib without waking her.

Regarding the Mamaroo - we packed it up many months ago. My daughter did not like the swing much, she preferred to be rocked and it was taking up floor space. So, it is not assembled and readily available for me to take pictures. But, I can lay out the different parts on the floor and take pictures, if you like.

Feel free to make an offer! You can reach me @


I am interested in the Newborn rock and play sleeper

Can you please email me at


I am attaching pictures of the rock and play sleeper. The cover is removable for washing which I have done several times. It is in very good condition, like new. I have the original packing as well.

Please email me at if you have any questions or if you would like to make an offer.




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