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I have these items remaining from my move out sale.
With reduced prices-
2 Sterlite laundry basket-$5 each ( good for stacking toys or clothes)

Bahamas pedestal fan-$5 ( comes with timer facility)

Honeywell humidifier-$ 10

5Ltr. prestige pressure cooker-$15
Mixer-$5 ( the lid got burnt from edges works excellently)


Graco. Travel system with car seat and base-$80
( used for six months)

Contact 2015648262


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Is the fan still available? 



Hey,even I m selling Re fan for $5. If still interested ,, cal me at 3476816309
Yes fan is still can pick up from Monaco building too.
Let me know

May I know which apartment are u? 

40, newport parkway, park side west

Hi - I am interested in the Humidifier and the Iron if available. Could you let me know how old these two are? 



The iron is not available but you can collect the humidifier .
You can collect either from Monaco or rosevelt, whichever building is nearest to you.


do u still have the mixer ? what brand is it?

Hey sheetal,
Yes the mixer is there. Call 2015648262 if interested.
It's ninja mixer.


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