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Babies will grow up in a few years and need schools. I see a troubling indifference to problems in K-12. Basically, our schools get dumber by the month. You can almost see it happening.

If you want to know how to fight back, please see “Saving K-12.” I just wrote a note to find out how I can advertise and then I saw Forums and found I had left Chit Chat two years ago about reading. Nobody had responded. That tells me the level of indifference.

Seriously, folks, please take some interest in the schools. In the meantime “Saving K-12” is an excellent present for smart friends. It’s easy to find on Amazon and all over the Internet.

Even if you're wealthy and will send your kids to private schools, the public schools are dumbing down everything around them, including the colleges you prefer. You can’t escape from the spreading ignorance. Better to get involved.

Bruce Deitrick Price

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