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While it is true that life in the city is great. Everything can and does change when you have kids. You enter a time in your life where the unthinkable happens. You start thinking a lot less about nightlife, clubs, even less about restaurants or that morning gourmet cup of coffee and a lot more about schools. Suddenly, you need more room in your home because your little one or ones will need to move around. Lots and lots of room!

Unfortunately, in many cities, public schools are nothing short of lousy offering a poor curriculum and not enough activities; trust me you are going to want to keep your kids busy. While in the city you will have to decide whether to send your kids to private schools, if you can afford it. Alternatively, you will have to decide which sacrifices, if any, you will have to make so that you can afford private schooling.
But, guess what? It simply isn't always just the money when it comes to deciding where your kids will go to school. A lot about raising healthy, happy children is about their environment.

Now you know why so many people have chosen and continue to chose life in the burbs.
It is always all about the kids!

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