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Logic and Thinking Class-- In Mathematics for Kindergarten through 3rd Grade

The classes run every Saturday up until August 30th, 2014.

10:15am-11:15am      LOGI & THI  Kindergarten and First Gr.

( 4 students max)

Emphasizes on understanding and thinking of mathematical concepts through logic and step by step problem solving. We also will contribute arts of the lessons to discuss logic materials similar with OLSAT, NNAT, and CogAT to enhance reasoning skill.
 Tentative Curriculum:
         a. Counting, reading, and writing whole numbers up to 100
         b. Counting by 2s, 5, and 10s up to 100
         c. Addition and Subtraction and an understanding of their inverse relationship
         d. Applying numbers to simple and multiple-step word problems
         a. Understanding what numerator and denominator is
         b. Identifying and Labeling fractions
         c. Applying fractions to simple and multiple-step word problems
         Understanding different kind of patterns and using them as an introduction to analogy as it is presented in OLSAT, NNAT, and CogAT.
   a. The student is comfortable with numbers  from 1 through 100. Being able to recite verbally of numbers 1 through 100 is not a sufficient measure; a student is able to recognize the numbers from 1 through 100 and preferably, is somewhat comfortable with the order of occurrence of the numbers 1 through 100.
  b. The student is comfortable in writing letters and numbers. Measure: a student is comfortable writing upper case and lower case letters, and writing numbers 0 through 10.
  c. The student is comfortable with beginning reading. Measure: a student is comfortable reading books that contain up to 15/20 words per page. 
1:45pm- 2:45pm      LOGI & THI Second and Third Gr. (6 students max)
Emphasizes on understanding and thinking of mathematical concepts through logic and step by step problem solving; preparing students for standardized test through appropriate test materials; enhancing reasoning through analogy practice as it is presented in OLSAT, NNAT, and CogAT to enhance reasoning skill.
Tentative Curriculum:
    a. Exploring whole numbers and place values up to four digits
    b. Understanding the concepts of even and odd numbers
    c. Understanding Roman numerals
    d. Addition and Subtraction up to four digits
    e. Understanding balancing the equation using addition and subtraction
    f. Multiplication and division and understanding its inverse relationship
* MONEY-- understanding money through word problems
   a. Increasing and Decreasing Patterns
   b. Its relationship with analogy as it is presented in OLSAT, NNAT, and CogAT
  a. The student is comfortable with addition and subtraction up to two digits--understanding carry-over and borrowing
  b. The student is comfortable with beginning fractions-- concept of 1/2, 1/3, 1/4
  c. The student is comfortable with beginning multiplication--single digit multiplication
  d. The student is comfortable with reading
  e. The student is comfortable with writing
*. Please note that it is important for the students to have compatible skills for the class to run smoothly and for the best learning for each student, hence please consider these requirements before registering your child to the class. Please do not hesitate to contact me for any questions. 
*. Punctuality is important; please come on time for the class.
*. I expect a certain level of focus, discipline,  respect, and manners from both students and parents as I carry myself with a certain level of focus, discipline, respect, and manners. 
*.  It will only be 5 classes available; No make up class is available, hence purchase the class wisely. Do understand that I have to accommodate parents who have paid for the class. Payment is due before class time.
*.  Attendance is limited; please RSVP ahead of time.
Chandra Budi, Ph.D
URL Tutoring and Consulting, LLC
E: (347)989-3532
Attached file is a sample of my lesson plan; it is for you to get a glimpse of how I would teach a certain mathematical concept. I would appreciate if you don't re-distribute or make copy of it without my permission.


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