Logic and Thinking Class with an emphasis in mathematics
Mathematics is fun; yet, it can also be confusing and frustrating for many students.
My goal is “ to negate” the negative feelings, to create “positive” feelings toward mathematics ( negative and negative creates positive)...which means it is okay to make mistakes, it is absolutely must to try our best, it is without question to think carefully and critically, and it is mandatory to have fun and to laugh
It is a small class to ensure personal attention and superb quality in each student’s learning experience. I listed couple of requirements that parents need to strongly consider to ensure the compatibility of students’ learning skills in every class.
Saturday’s Class starts on July 26th, 2014
Math Camp for K-3 is in August
at Spazio Libero, A Cultural Laboratory
(Learn Language Hoboken)--Citadel Building
450 7th St. Lower Level suite 4
(between Adams and Jefferson)
Some sample subjects in our curriculum:
Kindergarten and First Grade
We will be exploring Place Value up to 100
Reciting numbers verbally from 1 through 100 is great; yet it is not enough
Identifying numbers from 1 through 100 is wonderful; yet it can be more
What we will be doing in exploring place value is to have your child understand what it means by 23 and how it is similar with 20 + 3; this understanding carries your child to deeper understanding of the place value of a particular number,
which will bring to our second exploration:
We will be exploring addition and subtraction up to 100, and applying the operation to word problems.
To know how to add and subtract is great; yet it can be boring
To work on the application of those mathematical operations on the word problems is more fascinating and useful.
Second and Third Grade:
We will be exploring parts of “Number Theory” ( it is my favorite branch in pure mathematics )... :)
We will be exploring Place Value up to three digit numbers...an understanding of Place Value will make addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division a whole lot easier.
Then, we will introduce few “fun” facts about numbers such as what makes a certain number odd or even; what Roman numerals look like and where we could find them on our daily lives, where we could use them on our daily lives.
Those are just some examples of the topic in my curriculum
For more details, please take a look at the website:
The class is meant to be an academic-oriented class, hence certain levels of focus and discipline are expected. Certain level of manners is also expected to build a great community of learners.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me for more information or for any questions
Chandra Budi, Ph.D
E: itworks@urltutoring.org
Ph: (347) 989-3532