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Listing the following used furniture and household items in moving sale.

Everything in excellent condition. Prices can be negotiated. Write to

IKEA Expedit TV Storage Unit - $85. houses TV upto 52 inches or less. Four drawers in bottom and four drawer enclosures on left side. This cost includes 4 Knipsa jute woven baskets.

IKEA Bjurta Bench - $60. place it along Ikea dining table or independently, its multi functional.

IKEA Clubbo Nest of Tables, Set of Two - $60. good looking with chrome legs, save space.

IKEA Rast 3-drawer chest, pine - $20. just opened and assembled.

IKEA Kritter Children's Table and Chair - $18.

Rubbermaid Step Ladder (heavy duty) - $15. clearly the most useful item to access higher shelves in apartments.

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Are the items still available? Where do you stay?
Sorry Madhuri. All the above was taken by May 30.
Was just checking :). I know....It's been quite a while. Thank you :)


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