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we are moving out of state in the last week of June and wish to sell all the stuff.
This includes furniture (Queen metal bed frame and mattress, Full zize metal bed frame and mattress, Loveseat, Computer table, Office chair, TV stand etc),TV, some clothes/ shoes, kitchen items(includes some indian items), utility items,lamps, heaters etc
Theres also so much of baby stuff/ baby clothes.

Everything is less than an year old as of now as we moved here in June last week last year and bought everything after that.

Contact me (9175455421- might be out of reach during work hours; email preferrable for more details if you are interested. You can come see the items at a mutually convenient time.

Some of the essential furniture/items would be ready to be picked up just in the last week of June. some of the other stuff can be taken right away.


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