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(Nannies and babysitters are requested to not join the group.)

Moving Sale sofabed,ottoman,chest of drawers,dinning table,FUTON mattress

Available only  this week..
Sofabed $80
Black Micr0 fiber Sofa $100
Glass & Cane Dinning table with 4chairs $50.
Suede Beige Ottoman $15(with tiny paint stains that i can be easily hidden by a throw)
White Chest of 4 drawers $40
White cupboard $20
White Rocking chair $10
Black Basic table $15
Black leather Swivel chair $15
Futon Mattress $20
Relaxing chair $10
Step trash cans 2 $8EACH
floor lamps $8-$10
FoldingTable $8
Office Desk chair $10
Writting Desk $20(1 cupboard & 4 drawers--1drawer not working)
Rice cooker 16 cup Procter Silex(used 2 times) in the box $10
Blackout curtains $5
Basic Black TV table for Flat screen TV $5
Tall Shelving unit 7ftX1ft 4 shelves 4 drawers $20

Views: 265


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im interested in a few things, are they still available?


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