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My husband and I are moving to the burbs and have to let our nanny go as she cannot commute to our new home. Usha Patel arrived at our doorstep and took over the care of our son and, in part, our household from the get go. She amicably complied with our no tv rule, willingly cooked all of our son's meals from scratch at home , fed and entertained our son and kept him on the schedule set forth by us and still managed to do many other things.

She utilized every minute  of her time at our home making herself useful in one way or another.

She organized , mopped and swept our son's play area as well as the common areas to ensure our son had a clean and safe home. She did his laundry and, if she was left with spare time while he was napping, even managed to whip up a few quick meals for us.I attribute my son being a happy and well adjusted 1-yr old in part to the excellent care she has provided him with.

We are sad to let her go but would love to help her find her next (lucky) family.

Usha aunty's number is 2017024990. She is available Thanksgiving onward. She is available as a full-time nanny , but cannot live in.

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