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Organic farm fresh vegetables to your doorstep - interested in signing up for a CSA?

Posting for a friend

Hello Everyone,I am thinking of signing up for a CSA ("Community Supported Agriculture") and wanted to gauge how many people would be interested in signing up as well.  If we have 10 families interested in signing up the farm can deliver right here in our building an we can get organic, farm fresh, locally grown vegetables delivered to our doorstep much cheaper than Whole Foods or any other organic grocery store.  

What is a CSA you may ask:  
CSA is a popular way for consumers to buy local, seasonal food directly from a farmer.  A farmer offers a certain number of "shares" to the public. Interested consumers purchase a share (aka a "membership" or a "subscription") and in return receive a box (bag, basket) of seasonal produce each week throughout the farming season (typically early June to end Nov). Members pickup their share during the designated time at pre-designated pick up locations. CSA is a mutually beneficial arrangement between farmer and consumer.

Advantage of having 10 people from our building sign up:
We have 3-4 CSAs that operate in the Hoboken/Jersey City area.  However, the pick up location for the weekly vegetable boxes is near Paulus Hook or Hoboken 14th Street.  If we have 10 families sign up for this we can request them to add a pick up right in our building.  

Cost:  Usually costs ~$650 per season(early June to late November) for a small share enough for family of 2-3 and a large share is usually close to $800.  Once I hear from everyone I can contact the farms and get more accurate information accordingly.

Please email me at if you are interested in signing up, and I can coordinate the communication with the farm and other associated logistics.


PS If you would like to read more about CSAs available in our area the following sites were useful:

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Hi, I would be interested in this.  Which building are you in?  I'm in Newport and woul only work if the drop off is in Newport.

Hi Puja, The building is Shore Club in Newport. Anita is leading the initiative. Please reach out to her at


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