NewportMommy has been serving Jersey City and its neighborhoods for the last 9 years

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We are so excited to announce the Parents for Excellence Jersey City Board of Education Candidates.  They are Bertram Okpokwasili (2H), Carol Harrison-Arnold (6H), and Monica Kress (8H).

This experienced, dynamic group of independent candidates want to continue moving the school district forward.  Their aims are to make every school a community school, use our financial resources wisely, and- most importantly- increase our graduation rates by continuing the policies that are increasing student performance in the District.
After decades of district mismanagement and declines in enrollment, we are finally seeing substantial improvements in student achievement year over year. Enrollment in district public schools increased by 2,600 students this year alone- the first time in a decade that we experienced growth.
Please visit for our platform and to take the pledge to vote this Election Day, November 4th.
We will do our best to quickly answer as many questions as possible via this forum.  Thank you!

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