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Part Time Nanny/House Helper wanted Mon - Fri for 4-5 hours starting at 7:45 or earlier.

I am looking for a part time nanny/house helper/cook Monday thru Friday from 7:45-12:30 for now.  I need someone asap, hopefully to start this Monday.  My current nanny had a family emergency and doesn't know if she can come back.  Please email me any leads.


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Did you find someone
No I have not. I am waiting for my current to give me answer and will know more definite by Monday is she will be able continue the hours she was doing for me which is in the mornings. If she can't then I will need someone to replace her. I will keep you in mind.

I just found out that that it seems I will be looking for a new nanny to work from 7:45 am - 12:30 approximately and is comfortable me at home working on other matters while the nanny finishes her duties. I need someone who has legitimate nanny experience, cooks light Indian food and can do some house work and preference is gujrati and knows English but may consider others. They should references and a valid us resident Id like a green card. Ideally we want someone who has lived in this county for long time so they are established here. So if you are still looking to share please email me. I will be open to consider all candidates.


Hi, Im looking for a part time nanny as well. And my timings are 12.00 to 6.30. So if you havent found anyone maybe we can work towards nanny share. I need somone who knows english. Let me know if you are intersted. Thanks


Yes, we can do a nanny share.  But I need someone till 12:30.  And yes I would like the person we hire to know english as well.  please email to proceed further.  Thanks


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