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I am opening  an ART STUDIO for children and Adults in Newport Soon....

I am looking for a part time teacherHours 9am-1:00pm) who enjoys working with toddlers and preschoolers.

If interested please e-mail me your resume at 

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Hello Vinny,

Warm greetings to you. My name is Varsha K. Shah. I live in West New York, NJ. I am an Indian Classical Bharata Natyam dance artiste, a Certified Movement Analyst from Laban Institute Of Movement Studies, a researcher and an educator. I have wide range of teaching experience of almost all age groups including dance. I am keen in applying for the said teaching position in your studio.

Please kindly let me know how to take things forward.


Varsha K. Shah

Hello vinny,
I am shuchi bhatt. I live in new port it self. I am a counseling psychologist. And have extensive experience of working with toddler and preschooler.would really love to join if any position available for me.kindly get in touch with me on my email address shuchi.thakar@gmail.Com
Thank you.


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