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Partnering with Via to bring a tech-based bus system to Jersey City

 excited to share with you a major announcement today as we look to better serve areas of Jersey City that don’t have the best access to mass transit. 
It is no secret that our mass transit systems are unreliable. NJ Transit is not properly investing in Jersey City, and without help from the State, we are left to find our own innovative solutions to meet the needs of our residents. 
That is why we are partnering with Via to bring a tech-based bus system to Jers.... We'll be the first in the State to offer this type of on-demand system. Via will look to increase access citywide, bringing vehicles to areas that sometimes lack connectivity to other parts of the City. 
Using the app, riders who live in Wards A,B,D, and F, which are often referred to as transit deserts, will be able to hail a shuttle at a nearby virtual bus stop. The best part: Via will operate at $2 per ride, with discounts for seniors and low-income residents at $1 or less. We will continue to look for ways to provide our City with convenient, affordable transportation alternatives. 
The City Council is scheduled to approve the contract next week and the roll out will be later this year. 

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