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(Nannies and babysitters are requested to not join the group.)

Hello Mommies !!

We recently moved into Atlantic and trying to expand our social circle. Our daughter just turned two. With hectic jobs we both parents hardly get time to step out to garden or other children area. Typically our nanny takes her out.

We would like to make friends and socialize to help our daughter develop social skills.

Please share with me if you know how to plan play dates, arrange kids parties or meetings in common places.

We are not club party type people, left these activities way back at single good stage.

We take interest in spiritual activities like satsangs, group chanting Hanuman chalisa, bhajans, yoga, pranayama, art of living, charity and social service.

We are food lovers and love to dine out or cook variety tasty items like chats.
By profession we are IT Project Managers, live simple life style.

I am from Bombay, my husband is from south.

My email:, phone : 201-463-2643


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Around 6pm ppl r playing near elephant park. U can try thr.



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