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I'd like to start a playgroup for 1 to 2 year olds in my apartment at the East Hampton building on Mondays, Tuesdays or Wednesday from 6 through 7pm for the winter. Are any of the moms with kids that age interested in joining? 



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Hey! I m in east hampton too and my kid is 21 months old. I am interested but i can earliest do 6:20. We can do in my apartment as well.
Perfect. What day of the week works best for you?

Hey Gunjali,

Wednesdays are best. I am even open for two days. My son is lill unwell right now, so lets start from next Wednesday.



hope he feels better soon!

Let's plan on meeting at my apartment (3205) for the first one next Wednesday around 6:20pm and then we can figure out additional days from there. If anyone else on Newport Mommy would like to join, you're welcome as well.



HI ,

Is the play group meeting today . If yes what location . Is there a whatsapp group for this play group that I can join for more updates .


My son is 19 months . I am interested in joining too . When is the group meeting ?

Can we meet this Monday at my apartment?
Hey! So is it tomorrow or Wednesday. I can do either

Can we try today? Monday? We'll be home from 6pm onwards, stop  by whenever you're like.

cool. will be there.

Yes dear m interested ..I reside in Southampton building..
I Hv 20 months old baby girl.
So r u going to setup nice play area with many toys..
Plz keep timing 4-6 pm also

Hi gunjan I would love to join but the timing u Hv mentioned doesn't fit I provide diner service (tiffin combo ) from home n ppl come to pickup between 6-9 pm..
So is there any other time in which I can come with my bay like..
Kindly lemme know


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