Summer Akademik Courses
LOGI & THI ( Logic and Thinking) with an emphasize in Mathematics
Grade: K through 3
URL Tutoring and Consulting, LLC
Chandra Budi, Ph.D
Saturday classes start this Saturday on July 26, 2014
Summer Camp for 2nd and 3rd Grade: August 11 through 22, 2014
For more information, please go to:
The courses are designed with specific tentative curriculum; hence, certain requirements are needed for students to register.
The goal is to encourage the students to embrace LFIO ( Learning From Inside Out). The class encourages each student to have a proactive and creative mindset, rather than reactionary and passive one. Proactive and creative mindset makes learning fun and adventurous; it makes thinking and logic part of learning, and at the end, the student will understand mathematics, not just know mathematics.
All of the classes are kept small to maintain the quality of learning and relationships; reasonable level of focus, manners, and discipline are expected from each student.
Please do not hesitate to contact me for any question.