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Checklist: Traveling to India with Baby

Things to carry on the flight

  1. Medicine for kids – Tylenol, Benadryl etc.
  2. Medicine for yourself (in case you get a headache!)
  3. Gripe water
  4. Thermometer ( in case baby falls sick)
  5. Change of clothes for baby – onesie/bodysuit, cap, socks, bib
  6. An extra T-Shirt for yourself (in case baby creates a mess)
  7. Diapers and wipes
  8. Boiled water for formula or pre-made formula bottles OR food jars, spoons
  9. Extra bottles, nipples and antibacterial wipes for disinfecting
  10. Books and toys
  11. Pacifier
  12. Breastfeeding cover/Shawl/Boppy pillow
  13. Carseat (if Airline allows)
  14. Pen for completing customs forms
  15. A copy of the immunization card (in emergency situations doctors might ask for records) and pediatrician’s phone number
  16. A copy of everyone’s passports, green cards, PIO/OCI cards – ( try to keep scanned copies on email as well)
  17. Small dollar bills, Rupee currency (for paying on the Indian side in case you purchase any service)
  18. Hairbrush, makeup, Hand sanitizer,  cell phone, cell phone charger, contact lens case, extra eyeglass etc.
  19. Jewelry (in case you carry any don’t leave inside the baggage – I have experienced a  KLM flight where the contents of my baggage were strewn all over the baggage belt)
  20. For older kid - Change of clothes, books, toys, games/iPad, Benadryl/Tylenol, wipes, foldable potty seat, snacks, coloring books, crayons/color pencils


Things you MUST carry to India (for baby/kid)

  1. Formula that baby prefers (not many cities have brands  like Similac available)
  2. Diapers and wipes (it’s tough to get the same quality at a reasonable price)
  3. Anything from above list that you probably won’t get there (1, 15, 16)

Think there is something you want to add to this list? Mention in the comments below


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