NewportMommy has been serving Jersey City and its neighborhoods for the last 9 years

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1 Shore lane

Comment Wall (4 comments)

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At 2:52pm on May 10, 2014, NewportMommy said…

I will send you a PayPal link - would encourage you to have the post sent on Monday. With it being  Mother's day weekend , I see low attention levels this weekend

At 10:43pm on May 8, 2014, NewportMommy said…

Just a thought - At $50 per class, I am worried that there wont be many takers in this neighborhood.

To play it safe, I would suggest you make the first post at $25 and we can see how many more you would need in the future. :)

At 4:08pm on May 8, 2014, NewportMommy said…

Good question - The rule is that it is a fee for everytime that you make a post - however, given that you are running specialized classes I am happy to make an exception and charge you the price of 1 ticket for your class for subsequent posts.

At 2:56pm on May 8, 2014, NewportMommy said…


Commercial posts carry a fee - its $25 for unincorporated businesses and $50 for incorporated ones. The post is an email blast and also includes a calendar listing if you are doing an event.

Let me know if you are interested and I will send over a PayPal link.

Thanks in advance for your support of this community - Your contribution helps sustain this effort.

Admin - NM


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* Respecting Opinions. Please voice your thoughts and ideas in a non-confrontational manner and respond to others with respect.
* Be aware of tone. Please don't write anything you wouldn't say to someone's face. Using ALL CAPS is considered shouting.
* Dousing Flames. Harassing, abusive, and hurtful attacks will not be tolerated.

Other Administrative Items:
* Search the archives before posting a question you suspect someone might have posted before.
* Commercial posts carry a nominal fee ( write to for details)
* Use private email for individual communication.
*  Don't give out private information.

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