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Ruchi Misra-Bhardwaj's Blog (3)

Moving to the suburbs - Types of houses

Home styles, what they are and if/how they affect prices.

The 6 basic styles of single family homes you will see on the market are: Colonial, Split Level, Ranch, Cape Cod, Custom home and Victorian.

Colonial: this is the most sought after and liked style. It is your typical home with the family living space at 1st floor level (ground floor) and the living quarters upstairs. Single flight of stairs takes you to the bedrooms where you will find a small…


Added by Ruchi Misra-Bhardwaj on June 10, 2014 at 11:19am — No Comments

Moving to the suburbs - Schools

Let’s talk about schools. It’s the main reason why people move to the suburbs, really. And the extra space. And to get away from the hustle and bustle of city life. Ok, ok so there are many reasons to move to the suburbs but schools is still the most important one. Once kids are done with Kindergarten and going into 1st grade, or maybe you can push it until they are ready for 2nd grade but you know already that it’s time to make the move, if you’re ever going to do it.…


Added by Ruchi Misra-Bhardwaj on May 29, 2014 at 7:46am — No Comments

Moving to the suburbs.

Hello! As a Realtor who lives and works in the New Jersey suburbs of Millburn / Short Hills, I regularly meet couples who are ready to give up city life for the advantages of the suburbs but are apprehensive about the change in life style. Having made the same transition about 7 years ago, I thought I’d share my perspective through this blog, with absolutely no strings attached!


Let’s start with the first question that everyone has. How is the commute to the city? If…


Added by Ruchi Misra-Bhardwaj on May 18, 2014 at 2:27pm — 3 Comments

Movers and Packers

Schools rating links

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