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Connecting ELA and Math with Logic---3.5 through 7 years old

June 8, 2015 ( a beautiful and lovely Monday)

It has been a month since my  last post on the importance of understanding and acknowledging Multiple Intelligences in children's learning process. I wrote that I am going to post couple of fun exercises for your family to work together. These particular problems are intended for children as young as 3.5 years through 7 years old. It all depends on your child's skills, hence I encourage you to be imaginative and creative in delivering the problems according to your child's skills. The problems offer certain details and complexities that require a different way of thinking; therefore, if your child could not understand the problem, it is not necessarily because your child does not know the concept, rather it might need an assistance on the way to think of solving it. My main goal is to deepened and broadened your child's understanding to a certain concept; the depth of an understanding requires LOGIC and it reveals EXCELLENCE.

Have fun and if you care to write to me either privately or publicly, here, I would love to listen to how your child and yourself are having fun with the problems. 

Until next time...

Unscrambled Words. These words do not make any sense; why? Maybe because they are not arranged properly. Could you help those words since they can’t arrange themselves; Have fun!

            T C A               _______ ______ ______

           M H O E           _______ ______ _______ _______

           T A S R          _______ _______ ______ ______

          T P A N S       ______ ______ ______ ______ ______

           D O F O        _____ _____ _____ _____

          R C T U K     ______ _____ ______ _____ ______

            Y B O D         _____ _____ _____ _____

          H S E O S     _____ _____ _____ _____ _____

             R F I E          _____ _____ _____ ____

        N F U N Y     _____ _____ _____ _____ _____

Let us think of the rhyming words for these friends below: ( the clue is to figure out the ending sound and letters-- do you see any patterns?)

Cat       ___________          ___________

Pot       ___________          ___________

Sand    ___________          ___________

Fan      ___________          ___________

Horn    ___________          ___________

Patterns and Number Sense:

Please look at the pattern of each of the problem and please continue the pattern; pattern needs patience, so I would suggest for you to be patient, so that you can do each problem well. Get some snacks if you need to; take a break if you need to :) I think it is important for you not to be so frustrated because then, you can’t do the problem well.

Let’s start with the easy ones..

0, 1, 2, 3, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____, ___

10, 9, 8, ____, ____,____, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____

Now, it is a tiny bit tricky....just a tiny bit :)

0, 2, 4, 6, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____

14, 12, 10, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____

Now, we are going to go a bit “jazzy” with our pattern; just like a music jazz that has a spontaneous beats and rhythms, we will create a spontaneous patterns...every pattern has one or two different ‘rhythms’...

0, 2, 5, 7, 10, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____

There are two different kinds of pattern; what are they?

0 to 2  = add 2

2 to 5  = add 3

5 to 7  = add _____

7 to 10 = add _____

The patterns are: add 2, then add 3, then add 2, then add 3, etc.

Word Problems are helpful for you to have fun with mathematics. My suggestions on thinking about word problems are:

  1. Read carefully the story from start to end; if you need to read it twice, don’t hesitate. Read it twice!!
  2. Underline what is important from the story. Mom, Dad, please sit down and read together with me, and then help me to decide which information is important for me to solve a problem.
  3. Decide what kind of mathematical operation we need to do to solve the problem. Some needs additions, some needs subtractions, some needs understanding the missing patterns.
  4. Write the mathematical equation to express your solution.
  5. Write the answer
  6. Always, always, check your answer so you won’t make mistakes unnecessarily
  7. Write neatly and please learn to own your work by always, always, writing your name: first and last.
  8. Have some snacks and relax afterwards :) Good news: You have just learned something new and don’t forget to say THANK YOU to Yourself for a good learning and to Mom and Dad for helping you to learn.

The End

Days of the week is a pattern; it will always be:

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.  If you carefully see each of the name of the day, what is the one word that is repeated each time?

__________________________ ( hint: it starts with the letter D)

Carefully counting the names of the days of the week, how many days are there in one week?


If we know the number of days in one week, we can know the number of days in two weeks. What do we have to do?


If we know the number of days one week, two weeks, then we will know the number of days in four weeks. What do we have to do?


If we are off school for 10 days, what days would we have to repeat on the list? Hint: one week is 7 days; we will have to decide if 7 is more or less than 10 for us to know if we need to repeat certain days. Then, we will make a list on days of the week for us to know what days will appear two times on the list.


Ms. Jenkins was not quite happy with the fact that most of her crayon boxes are not put in order. Every crayon box ought to have: one Orange, one Green, one Blue, one Red, one Yellow, and one Purple. Ms. Jenkins has 12 students in her classroom; 8 of her crayon boxes are incomplete. Would you help Ms. Jenkins to decide which color is missing from each of the 8 crayon boxes? She is thankful to have such a good helper like you!

Remember, the pattern is:

Orange, Green, Blue, Red, Yellow, Purple

Box number 1 has:

Orange, Blue, Red, Yellow, Purple

The missing color is _________________

Box number two has:

Green, Blue, Red, Yellow, Purple

The missing color is _____________________

Box number three has:

Orange, Blue, Red, Yellow, Purple

The missing color is ____________________

Box number four has:

Orange, Blue, Green, Yellow, Purple

The missing color is ____________________

Box number five has:

Orange, Blue, Green, Red, Purple

The missing color is ____________________

Box number six has:

Orange, Blue, Green, Red, Yellow

The missing color is ____________________

Box number seven has:

O, G, R, Y, P

The missing color is ( hint: a color that starts with letter B)


Box number eight has:

G, R, Y, P, B

The missing color is (hint: a color that starts with the letter O)



Chandra Budi, Ph.D

Educator and Owner

URL Tutoring and Consulting, LLC

URL = Unconventional and Resourceful Learning


Ph: (347) 989-3532


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Comment by Geetha Pawar on September 10, 2015 at 4:43pm

Excellent post!

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