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Love your Smile this Valentines Day from Newport Dental Arts

Brush and floss.

Kissing couples can share up to 500 species of germs, including some that cause gum disease. Brush teeth twice a day for at least two minutes and floss once a day to eliminate bacteria that lurk between your teeth.

Get sweet on chocolate.

Don't stress about Valentine's chocolates when it comes to your teeth. Unlike hard or gummy candies, chocolate doesn't cling to your teeth and your saliva is able to wash the sugar away. But you still have to consume chocolate in moderation as too much sugar will harm your teeth over time.

Pucker up.

Kissing itself can actually help prevent tooth decay because it stimulates saliva, which helps reduce the incidence of cavities. Share the love.

Whiten and brighten.

Tooth whitening may be one way to impress your heart throb.

Contact Newport Dental Arts to learn more about the customizable whitening options we have available at - (201) 626-6210.

We look forward to seeing you! Happy Heart Day!

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