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Tips for Lowering Your Energy Expenditure

cutting energy costs2If you are seeking out tips for lowering your energy expenditure, check out these five things Gentec Services recommends to help you save money!  View the article in its entirety by clicking here.

  1. Clean or change your filters regularly:  Heating and cooling systems can contribute to over 50% of your energy costs.  Ensuring the filters are clean will help keep air flow sufficient whereas a dirty filter will slow it down, causing the system to work harder and cost you more money!
  2. Save on water bills with low-flow faucets and showerheads:  Replacing old water fixtures with low-flow faucets and showerheads can help you conserve your water usage and thus save you money.
  3. Reduce your water heater temperature:  Reducing the temperature to 130 degrees Fahrenheit, or wrapping your water storage tank in an insulated thermal blanket (to help retain the heat) are both good ways to save money.
  4. Use a programmable thermostat:  Using a programmable thermostat can save you up to 10% on your heating and cooling costs.
  5. Install a security alarm system:  Some alarm systems, when set, can trigger lights to turn off.  Using timers, sensors, etc to turn off lights and electronics you're not using can help save on your power costs.

We hope you found these tips for lowering your energy expenditure helpful. Shannon Aronson is a real estate agent in the Millburn Short Hills NJ area.

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