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Tips for Reducing Clutter in Your Home


Spring is almost here! With the arrival of Spring, some people like to do a good Spring cleaning! In preparation of that, you might want to take a look around and reduce some of the clutter that tends to build up. Below, House Logic offers some great tips for reducing clutter in your home. Thinking of selling? Reducing clutter in your home is a great way to get it ready for showings. Call us for more tips!

Tips for Reducing Clutter in Your Home

  1. Reduce Duplicates:  Sometimes you don’t need more than one of a certain type of item.  For those items that you do need multiples of, towels, for example, have some extras on hand, but don’t go overboard with too many.  House Logic suggests a good rule of thumb is having two per person.
  2. Keep Clutter from Expanding by reducing your storage space.
  3. Ignore Trends:  Fight the temptation to buy the latest and greatest gadget or decoration. Instead, purchase quality items that will last you a long time.
  4. A great way to keep things from piling up is to follow this rule:  When you buy something, get rid of something.
  5. Don’t purchase items that you will most likely use only once, or at most, very minimally.  Instead, see if you can borrow the item from someone.
  6. Get rid of paper clutter by going digital.  Many companies offer electronic billing or paperless statements.
  7. Buy less junk by avoiding bargain hunting.  Ask yourself if you really need that particular item, or if you really need one in every color just because it’s a “good deal”.
  8. Avoid piling things up on countertops.  Try to keep them free and clear!

All of these are great tips as we start to think about Spring and perhaps selling in the Spring Market.  Thinking of selling your home?  Contact us!  You can reach me by email at or by phone at 973.637.0004. Want to know what your home is worth?  Click here.  For more great real estate information, including insider tips, please be sure to visit my website at

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