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Hudson Montessori Summer Maker’s Camp – June 20-August 12, 2016

Event Details

Hudson Montessori Summer Maker’s Camp – June 20-August 12, 2016

Time: June 20, 2016 at 8am to August 12, 2016 at 6pm
Location: Hudson Montessori School
Street: 10 Regent St.
City/Town: Jersey City
Website or Map:…
Phone: 201-516-0700
Event Type: summer, camp
Organized By: Maki Vilomar
Latest Activity: Jun 14, 2016

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Event Description

10 Regent Street, Jersey City, NJ 07302 – Phone: 201-516-0700

Our Summer Maker’s Camp is for young Scientists, Technologists, Engineers, Artists and Mathematicians who want to make their creativity and imagination come to life.  Our campers will follow a different theme in each session, with each theme integrated into Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math related activities.  A day in our camp for ages 3 to 5 includes water play and outdoor play time, music & movement, cooking, Spanish, art & craft, jewelry making, Origami, field trips and much more.  Activities for 6 year olds and up include swimming, tennis, scratch animation, 3D printing, chess, hip-hop theater, field trips and more.  After Care campers will enjoy games and outdoor fun until 6:00 PM.  Please visit our website for more details.

(Ages 3 – 12)

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