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Spring Break Academic Camp-- until April 1, 2016

Event Details

Spring Break Academic Camp-- until April 1, 2016

Time: March 24, 2016 at 8:30am to April 1, 2016 at 5pm
Location: 101 Hudson suite 2100 #2171
Street: Hudson Street
City/Town: Jersey City
Website or Map:
Phone: (347) 989-3532
Event Type: academic, cap
Organized By: Chandra Budi
Latest Activity: Mar 30, 2016

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Event Description

Unconventional and Resourceful Learning, LLC offers a Spring Break Academic Camp until April 1, 2016

Spring Break Academic Camp

Math & Logic and Logic To Reading

Review, Practice, Do, Better, and Further

Review of what has been learned

Practice always important and helpful

Practice by Doing

Practice by doing makes Better

Therefore, we Further

Starts on March 21, 2016 until April 1, 2016


Enrollment is limited to 8 students per class



Mondays and Wednesdays:

Math I for 5-7 years old: 9:30-11:30am

Math II for 8-10 years old: 12:30-2:30pm

Tuesdays and Thursdays:

Reading I for 5-7 years old: 9:30-11:30am

Reading II for 8-10 years old: 12:30-2:30pm


Open enrollment is available for $80/day as I understand that some families like flexibility during the break.

For more information, please not hesitate to contact me at:

Chandra Budi, Ph.D


Phone : (347) 989-3532

Website :

"Every Mind is a Gift; it is up to us to nurture it as Gifted."

We are a learning environment where every student is viewed as a "whole child", from the place called "Enough", hence it is not focused on a student's weaknesses, rather it focuses on "empowerment from a student's strengths." We are also a learning environment that focuses on "LOGIC", a step by step thinking process, that assists our students to understand a concept, not just stop at to know a concept.

Have a great Spring Break!

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