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Time: March 29, 2015 from 6:30pm to 7:30pm
Location: Symposia Bookstore, Hoboken, NJ 07030
Website or Map: http://www.urlitworks.org
Phone: 347-989-3532
Event Type: demo, class:, intermediate, logic, to, reading, and, mathematics, &
Organized By: Chandra Budi, Ph.D
Latest Activity: Mar 26, 2015
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URL Tutoring and Consulting, LLC offers a different aura of an educational enrichment program. It is not just about academic stuffs; it is my belief in building a community of learners with the families that I am working with and my striving to provide an impeccable quality of educational enrichment that all students deserve.
What is URL?
URL stands for Unconventional and Resourceful Learning. It comes from my belief that every learning ought to be catered to the individual needs of a student, hence it could not be conventional; and for any learning to be at its best utility, I will empower parents and students with appropriate resources and conversations.
Glimpse of Classes Offered:
Novice through Intermediate Reading and Logic
Novice through Intermediate Mathematics and Logic
Semi-Private Lessons
Part time ( 2 hours) Academic Summer Camp are available for Primary and Intermediate Classes beginning on June 30th through September 4th, 2015
For more information on the classes, please take a look at the website:
www.urlitworks. org
or email me at: itworks@urltutoring
FREE DEMO CLASSES ARE OFFERED. The first one will be on Sunday, March 29th, 2015 from 6:30-7:30pm for Intermediate Math and Reading at Symposia Bookstore, 5th and Washington, Hoboken, NJ 07030
What some of the parents would say about myself and my pedagogy?
"My son is in first grade and has been taking instruction from Dr. Chandra for over six months now. He loves the way she teaches and enjoys the process of learning under her.
For me, Dr. Chandra has opened my eyes to possibilities within my own child. Be it preparing a budget for a birthday party or reading a complicated text on Galileo
Galilei, I have been pleasantly surprised by what my child is capable of if given a chance.
It is not easy to be an educator....most people do it very mechanically.....but I view Dr. Chandra as someone who actually wants to create a difference!!"
Parent of a 7 year old, Jersey City, NJ
"Ms. Chandra is absolutely amazing.. my son loves going to her classes. Some days he will wake up in the morning and say ‘I don’t want to go to school, can I go to Ms. Chandra?’ Chandra is patient yet firm and she really makes learning fun. She gets down to the child’s level and teaches them in a way that almost makes it more like a game than true work. She believes in a well-rounded education and will encourage and drive her students not only on the hard skills but also on the softer aspects. Chandra is also very good with working with the parents and goes above and beyond in terms of sharing her thoughts about learning and child development with the community of learners that she has created. We love working with her and strongly believe that my son has grown due to his time with her. "
Parent of a 3 year old, Hoboken, NJ
Staying Safe - Advice from the Jersey City Police Department
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