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Expectant Moms: Meet & Mingle

Event Details

Expectant Moms: Meet & Mingle

Time: December 11, 2014 from 5:30pm to 7pm
Location: Pampered Pregnancy Boutique
Street: 122 River Drive
City/Town: Jersey City
Website or Map: http://www.pamperedpregnancyb…
Phone: 201-420-0306
Event Type: pregnancy
Organized By: Yvonne D. Mojena
Latest Activity: Jan 17, 2016

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Event Description

NewportMommy is excited to share that Pampered Pregnancy Boutique has kindly agreed to host the much awaited expectant moms meet up every month in Newport!

Meet & Mingle with other expectant moms. This will be facilitated by a Childbirth Birth Education Manager who will be able to answer any questions or concerns of yours.

We kindly ask that all guests RSVP here AND pre-register online at: (choose Resources, Calendar of Events and click on the date), space is limited. This event is complimentary.

Dates are :Dec 11, Jan 8, Feb 12 and March 12.

5:30 to 7pm.

Look forward to seeing some of you at this event

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* Search the archives before posting a question you suspect someone might have posted before.
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