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Successfully Avoiding Sibling Rivalry

Event Details

Successfully Avoiding Sibling Rivalry

Time: December 10, 2014 from 7pm to 8pm
Location: 5 Marine View Plaza, Hoboken
Street: Hudson St
City/Town: Hoboken
Website or Map: http://www.pamperedpregnancy.…
Phone: 201-821-8819
Event Type: parents
Organized By: Yvonne D. Mojena
Latest Activity: Dec 6, 2014

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Event Description

Successfully Avoiding Sibling Rivalry

Learn how to prepare for the arrival of your second child and set the tone for a peaceful sibling dynamic in the future!

Topics the seminar will address:

  • Creating a plan that provides stability for the older child during birth and the hospital stay

  • Managing the shift of attention from the older one to the baby during the initial few weeks, particularly with visitors and caregivers, to avoid jealousy

  • Incorporating the baby in to your daily routine with the least disruption

  • Laying the foundations for a healthy dynamic between siblings during the first year

  • Preparing for the toddler years and avoiding sibling rivalry when the younger one begins to develop his or her own personality

  • Shifting the focus from having them “get along” to learning how to resolve conflicts in their interactions

All guests must pre-register online at: (choose Resources, Calendar of Events and click on the date Dec 10th), space is limited. This seminar is complimentary.

Sara's Bio: Building Healthy Minds and Happy Families was created by Sara Zaidi, an Early Childhood Specialist with over 10 years of experience. As a medical doctor with advanced degrees in psychology and mental health from Columbia University and NYU, Sara brings a unique multi-disciplinary approach to the field of early childhood. Sara helps parents navigate through the challenging early stages of their children’s lives. She applies techniques which are rooted in behavioral medicine, developmental psychology and the discipline of play therapy.

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