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Baby sitter (Gujarati) Who calls herself Hira Patel (201-898-6476) works in one of the green buildings will come to people's home during her babysitting hours to cook along with the girl she is suppose to take care off while parents are at work. She says the girl will quietly sit in the stroller while she works ... really?? she needs to learn this is not how it works. she also runs errands of her own while Parents are away. Parents need to know this and should take serious action.

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bumping for you.

Is she your baby sitter Chitra ?

Hi Simple - can you please tell me a bit more about this person? I lady by the name of Hiraben came to me over the weekend for interview. She is an elderly lady - probably close to 60. Is it the same person? The phone number does not match so wanted to be sure... Appreciate that you are raising awareness about this. Thanks! 

Hi Alpa, I think we should talk. I will send you a PM
Can you share her picture so I can confirm. You cN always tell her and take one for security reasons.
Hi Simple, do you remember the name of the references she gave.

She gave me a reference of Kokila - who she calls Koko. She worked with Kokila for 2 years before she went to India for 8/9 months... I am assuming this Kokila person does not know what Hira ben was doing behind her back. 

Yes I know the same nanny. Need to confirm with Simple now as she had different no.of Hira nanny that we have. Simple , please confirm.

this is serious, should be reported and she should be completely barred from being hired as a babysitter atleast in this area!

The problem is how do they manage to get references. I mean genuine references.
She has only one reference and her relative works there!!
I fired Hira Patel over the weekend. She was careless with my baby, wasted time gossiping and didn't want to do light cleaning. She was adamant about taking my 9 month old baby outside all the time without my permission. Please do not hire her! I suffered last week due to her last week!


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