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Accessories has the power to turn a boring look to a la mode. A little experiment with your belts, jewelry, bags can fetch you the desired look without spending hundred of dollars in buying new clothes.

A basic white tee with usual blue denim or a simple white dress - accessorize the outfit with the bangles, shades, a statement necklace or a scarf, a printed tote or a bright satchel and you are sure to  amaze yourself with endless options of creating new look with the same outfit.

What is the basic accessories you can use to add a Oomph and Style to your vanilla outfit?  Well in my opinion, these five accessories can redefine your style.

  • Sunglasses: My all time favorite is the RAY BAN aviators.sunraybanRB3025JM0014M-55_1_3


  • Bright color Bag: My fetish for bags is well known. This is one accessory that I can never have enough. From the neutrals to the bright ones, from the 5th Avenue to the street side, from vintage to latest fad - bags take most of my wardrobe space and drain my shopping budget. My latest favorite is this KATE SPADE bag.
  • Statement Necklaces has made quite an entry to our wardrobe in the last half a  decade. This piece of jewelry has make heads turn if one is able to sync it with your outfit.


  • Bangles or Bracelets: My current favorite is AMRITA SINGH's  bangles.




  • Scarves: Scarves with pom pom are cute and trendy. My personal favorite are the bright ones.



Accessorize is the extension of your style. Its important not to overdo it. The right kind of accessory can lift up any boring outfit and going overboard can make you a laughing stock.

Don't forget to wear the most important accessory at all times- your SMILE.

Have a lovely weekend!




For more post on fashion, travel and food please visit my blog

Views: 179


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Comment by Meenakshi Janakiraman on February 22, 2015 at 1:32am

I did get a chance to go out shopping yet, thanks for letting me know the brands!!

Comment by shally arora on February 10, 2015 at 7:27pm

Meenakshi- Anne Klein, Fossils, Kate Spade, Michael Kors have some very good watches. You can get some good deals on Presidents day sale.

Comment by Meenakshi Janakiraman on February 9, 2015 at 7:47pm
Can you suggest me some good brands for watches.
Comment by Shagun agarwal on August 23, 2014 at 1:25am
I use to buy this jwellery brand when I was in UK
Fab items
Comment by shally arora on August 10, 2014 at 10:40pm

Thanks Shagun. Glad you liked it.

Comment by Shagun agarwal on August 10, 2014 at 10:34pm

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