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My penchant for something sweet after a meal is hereditary. For me no meal is ever complete without the last bite of something sweet. the idea of baking this beautiful mango upside down cake after I saw it on one of the cooking channel on television. Just the look of it was so inviting that I couldn't resist it trying it myself.


  • Sliced ripe mango- 2cups
  • Lemon juice- 1tbsp
  •  1 tbsp
  • Brown sugar ⅓ cup

For the cake:

  • Milk- 1 cup or 250ml
  • Granulated sugar- ¾ cup
  • All purpose flour- 1-1/2 cup
  • Custard powder- ½ cup
  • Baking powder- 2tsp
  • Baking soda- ¼tsp
  • Vanilla extract- 1tsp
  • Butter- ½ cup


For mango topping:

  • Slice mangoes lengthwise. Using a spoon, remove flesh from the halves.  Sprinkle lemon juice to brighten the mango color on top and set aside.
  • In a small sauce pan, melt butter over medium heat, then stir in brown sugar. Simmer, stirring, until sugar has dissolved. Without stirring, let cook a little bit more until bubbles start to form around the edges of the mixture.  Spread mixture in the bottom of a buttered 9-inch round baking pan and arrange mango on top in desired pattern .

For the Cake:

  • Sift the flour along with the baking powder and baking soda and keep aside.
  • Heat milk in a pan and add the sugar. Stir until the sugar is completely dissolved and set aside to cool.
  • Wait till the milk has reached room temperature, add the custard powder and vanilla extract and mix.
  • Stir in the butter and mix again.
  • Pour the prepared milk mixture to the flour mixture and mix well until there are no lumps.
  • Pour the batter over the mangoes and bake in a pre heated oven at 350F for 45 minutes  or till an inserted skewer comes out clean
  • Allow the cake to cool in the pan for 10 Minutes. Remove and turn it upside down on a plate.





Enjoy the mangoes and other tropical fruits. Fresh fruits are loaded with antioxidants Vitamins.

Enjoy what you eat!

For more recipes, tips on fashion and places to visit on weekends, visit my blog or like the blog page on facebook


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