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Simple is beautiful. Sometimes the most simple of ingredients and flavors are enough to make a perfect recipe. This is one such quick and easy recipe with some basic ingredients. This is one finger food I used to have as a child. Cottage cheese or Paneer is high in protein and covers good amount of daily calcium intake that our body requires.







Cottage Cheese: 200 gms (cut into rectangles)

Yogurt: 1/2 Cup (Greek or homemade yogurt)

Ginger Paste: 1 Teaspoon (fresh)

Garlic Paste: 1 Teaspoon (fresh)

Pepper: 1/4teaspoon Freshly grounded 

Chat Masala: 1/2 teaspoon(optional)

Lemon: 2 tablespoons

Cumin Powder: 1/2 teaspoon

Salt: 1 teaspoon

Olive oil: 2 tablespoon


  • Whisk Yogurt, Ginger paste, garlic paste, cumin power, pepper and lemon in a medium sized bowl.
  • Add the cottage cheese to this mix and let it marinate for 20 minutes.
  • Heat oil in the grilling pan and add the cottage cheese one by one.
  • Turn sides after 5 minutes after grilling for 5 mins on one side.
  • Serve hot with coriander chutney or mayonnaise dip
  • Sprinkle some chat masala for some added flavor (optional)








Note: Use the freshest of ingredients to get the best results.

And as I always say- Enjoy your eating experience.

For more food ideas, fashion tit bits and travel ideas like my page or follow my blog


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Comment by Sandya Shinde on September 6, 2014 at 9:01am
Hmmmm! Got to try this one! Thx
Comment by Shagun agarwal on August 23, 2014 at 1:23am
I love it too...

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