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From Nagina at

Dear Newport Mommies,

So irritating! After my first pregnancy, I still carried an extra 12 pounds a few months after. A few moms that had babies around the same time as me seemed to look completely back to normal. One, I remember, was able to wear clothes that didn’t show a stomach that was sticking out (like mine) and her pants seemed to fit her beautifully. I didn’t imagine her sucking her stomach in every morning to close the button like I did. 


All I could think was, “What a b*t**!!” while smiling at her like nothing was on my mind.


Have you been where I was, or somewhere  close?


Have you experienced a change in your life – you recently had a baby, or just emerged from a stressful time in your life or a deadline at work – or you may just generally want to lose a few pounds or more? You don’t feel your best.


Then, to make matters worse, you see a friend, colleague, or old classmates at a party or on Facebook wearing a fitted dress, or super skinny jeans with a tight top, or just looking thin overall – and the first thought in your mind is, “that skinny b*t**! I hate her!”


You may think, “It has to be in her genes,” or, “she must be super-motivated” or, “she must have a lot of time on her hands – which I just don’t have.”


Meanwhile, you have to hide your feelings, mask your jealousy as something you don’t care about, and put on a polite smile and act as if nothing is wrong.


We hate the feeling of comparing ourselves to others – but it’s difficult to see others easily shed the weight, when you’ve been trying your best to exercise and eat right and nothing is coming off. 


Even though we try not to consciously compare ourselves to others - it creeps into the pit of our stomach.


Happiness with your Personal Journey

To live a healthy life, from inside to out, we cannot compare ourselves, and we can become comfortable with who we are, our own experiences, and our own bodies. Everyone comes from a different place, a different situation, and a different package.


I’ve struggled with weight my whole life, and once I found out about a few secrets that were sustainable, my unwanted fat melted off. After I made a few smart changes, I reached a lower and healthier weight than I had ever reached in my lifetime. Each of us has our own pace for change – and we can achieve it, with our own goals and timeline in mind. We just have to keep moving in that direction, and focus on ourselves and our own results.


The beauty of being at a weight that we’re happy with, is that it cascades into ALL parts of our lives. We feel more confident at home and at work, and have a higher self-esteem around friends, family and colleagues. Any minor feelings of depression get swept up into the feeling of euphoria we feel by looking good – and having everyone around us tell us about it.

This can happen for you, too.

The secret to losing weight and keeping it off is making small changes at a time

Below are a few tips to begin to see weight loss and experience more energy.

1.   Cook 1-3 of my spicy, tasty recipes or recommendations as soon as possible and learn new healthy dishes you love to eat! Include healthy recipes in your regular rotation. Try Quick Curried Garbanzo Beans, Lamb Kabobs, and Asian Stir Fry. I’ll be releasing my unique, tasty Iced Tea recipe very soon.


2.  Learn to eat a quick, high protein breakfast everyday

a. 2 Eggs or 3 egg whites with Veggies, berries and 1 slice of high protein or high fiber bread

b. Greek Yogurt w/berries

c. Green Protein Breakfast Smoothie (strawberries, Greek yogurt, spinach, flax seed)


3.  Stock low-sugar, low-carbohydrate snacks at home or at your desk

a.  Unsalted Mixed Nuts & Low-fat Cheese or Berries

b. Lowfat Cottage Cheese and Strawberries

c. Celery and Peanut Butter


Start off with small changes – that are sustainable. No fads. That’s the only way you will keep it off. Live a healthier life and feel (and look) so amazing.

For free resources and tasty, healthy recipes to make it easier to lose weight, including a spicy ASIAN STIR FRY, come to and sign up to receive regular emails.

Live a Healthier Life Inside and Out,


Views: 115


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