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How do I lose my pregnancy weight around my tummy area?

From Nagina at


Newport Mommies – I received a huge response from you when I posted here last week. To answer your questions, I'm planning to do a Q&A post here regularly, starting with today. Send in any other questions you have to me right away so I can answer them.


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Here is this week’s question, sent to me from a Newport mommy.




I am trying hard to lose my pregnancy weight especially at the tummy area. I do exercise and try to eat healthy most of the times but am still struggling to lose weight. I want my body toned and to lose 20 pounds to start with.


- A Newport Mommy


Dear Newport Mommy,


I know that you are busy juggling between your child and your other responsibilities all day.  It is tough to fit in kids, husband, maybe even a full-time job – and stay healthy.


It’s easy to still have an extra 15-20 pounds . . . and you probably wonder if it’s going to go away. You look around, at your mother, your aunts, and your friends, and it’s common to see others that kept their weight on after having kids. You may think that the price you pay for kids is extra weight, and you have no choice but to accept it.


You may even dread wearing your clothes. The feeling of wearing jeans that are uncomfortable or shirts that have to stretch across your back doesn’t feel good. You just don’t have the time to exercise as much as you think you need to.


Newport mommy, I can show you how to lose weight around your tummy and lose 20 pounds. I can help you fit into the clothes you want to fit into. Even if you're busy and tired.


To lose your tummy area, what you eat makes the biggest difference. Doing crunches and abdominal-only exercises will not make any change until you start to eat the right foods.


I lost 40 pounds after 2 kids by eating spicy Indian foods with lots of flavor. You can eat food you love and that is similar to what you are eating right now, with some slight modifications. As a first step, I just posted a healthy, tasty recipe on for Chole, or Curried Garbanzo Beans - please check it out and eat it a few times over the next week.


Tip: Eat the chole with vegetables and:

  • Quinoa or brown rice (instead of white rice) OR
  • Eggs, fish or meat OR
  • One roti or one piece of whole-wheat bread


If other Newport Mommies want to share questions, what makes it hard for you to lose weight, and/or your goals, let me know right away! I will answer questions during another Newport Mommy post or I may respond directly to you.


Sign up for my email list at and reply to my welcome email with your questions, or email me directly at I read every question, and I will keep everything confidential.


For all Mommies - Don’t forget to try my tasty recipe THIS WEEK!






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